Sale of Digital Coupon Company to Country's Largest Grocery Chain

Digital Coupon Technology Provider

Representation of a leading digital coupon technology provider in the sale of its assets to a subsidiary of Kroger Co., the country's largest supermarket chain. Negotiated the purchase and ancillary agreements.

Successful representation of California bank in complex mortgage foreclosure debt recovery action through state court and bankruptcy court in the Southern District of Florida, which resulted in the criminal indictment of the borrower's principal for bank fraud.
Debtors' counsel to Fontainebleau Las Vegas Holdings, LLC, and two of its affiliates in their chapter 11 cases in the Southern District of Florida. The debtors had over $2 billion of funded debt, had used $500 million of equity, and were prosecuting claims for $800 million in unpaid additional finan...
Served as debtors' counsel to Cordia Communications and certain of its affiliates in the Middle District of Florida, handling all aspects of the debtors' chapter 11 cases, including development and implementation of a ยง363 sale of the clients' business assets to a stalking horse buyer and successful...