Key Considerations of the Real Estate Joint Venture

Bilzin Sumberg
Development Conference
March 15, 2023

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Jake M. Greenberg and David S. Resnick explore top-of-mind issues being faced by real estate joint venture partners in South Florida's real estate market at Bilzin Sumberg’s 4th Annual Development Conference.

Speaking Engagement November 29, 2023
Suzanne M. Amaducci moderates the Miami Rising: Live-Work-Invest panel hosted by the Miami Downtown Development Authority, which discusses the myriad options for living and working in Miami, and opportunities to invest in the city’s growth as a global urban center.
Blog October 9, 2023
Fort Lauderdale has reached financial close this year on a new P3 project that is slated to bring a new water treatment plant online by 2026. An article published on Partnerships Bulletin highlighted the “can-do” approach by the private sector and the City in order to get this P3 project...
Development Conference March 15, 2023
Suzanne M. Amaducci and keynote speaker Jeff Krasnoff, Chief Executive Officer of Rialto Capital Management, discuss the state of real estate debt markets amid ongoing economic uncertainty at Bilzin Sumberg’s 4th Annual Development Conference.