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‘Big Food’ Takes Its Turn In The Price-Fixing Spotlight

Lori Lustrin & Scott N. Wagner

Scott Wagner and Lori Lustrin discuss with Law360 the new wave of antitrust cases emerging in the food and beverage industry.

Price-fixing cases over the past decade have read like a virtual electronics product materials list. Government investigators and civil plaintiffs have pursued actions involving a wide array of electronic parts ranging from passive components like capacitors and inverters to large, high-cost components such as LCDs and cathode ray tubes. Recently, however, a new wave of antitrust cases has emerged, and it looks far more like a grocery list.

It is now big food’s turn in the crosshairs of government regulators and civil plaintiffs. Indeed, over the past five years alone, high-profile price-fixing cases have been launched against the manufacturers of everything from milk, to mushrooms, to the biggest protein staples in the American diet: tuna, chicken and pork. And, in the past week alone, conspiracy claims have been lodged against manufacturers of beef and farm-raised salmon.

To read the full article, click here.

Publication April 30, 2019
Scott Wagner and Lori Lustrin discuss with Law360 the new wave of antitrust cases emerging in the food and beverage industry.
Press Release August 10, 2017
Litigation Partner Lori Lustrin has been selected to Benchmark Litigation's 2017 Under 40 Hotlist, a list which honors achievements of the nation’s most accomplished legal partners age forty (40) or younger.
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