Climate change is the most complex multi-generational challenge of the 21st century. Legislators, policy-makers, the business community, and civic leaders are planning and preparing for climate change, even in the absence of a consensus on long-term impacts. Whether concerns revolve around sea level rise or acute localized weather events, the global economy is set to witness increased disruption and uncertainty.
In Florida and beyond, Bilzin Sumberg stands at the forefront of understanding the closely intertwined legal and business issues impacted by climate change-related developments. The firm's Resilience & Sustainability Team serves as trusted, strategic counsel to developers, owners, investors, government entities, public and private companies, and other entities in navigating the intricate web of relevant laws and regulations. In addition, Bilzin Sumberg's Resilience & Sustainability Team advises clients on risk mitigation and potential business growth opportunities surrounding resiliency and sustainability. These challenges and opportunities run the gambit from impacted global supply chains to vulnerable real estate developments and assets, from crafting specialized Request for Proposals (RFPs) for resilient infrastructure to compliance with existing and forthcoming legislation and regulations at local, state, and federal levels.
Bilzin Sumberg's robust cross-practice collaboration model means that clients get comprehensive advice and representation on any matter related to climate change, bringing in legal counsel from the Environmental, Land Development & Government Relations, Real Estate, Public-Private Partnerships, Construction, Corporate, and Litigation teams.