Navigating the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

April 1, 2020

Melissa Pallett-Vasquez, Mildred Gomez, Jose Sariego, Sara Herald and Jeffery Snyder discuss the business provisions of the largest U.S government financial relief package in history during an ACC and Bilzin Sumberg LIVE Webinar. Speakers discuss the practical ways the CARES Act may be relevant to certain businesses. More specifically, speakers will explore loans, advances, and other financial assistance to small businesses (500 employees or less), loans, loan guarantees and investments in mid-size and larger business, forbearance provisions that may affect your business and tax relief for businesses.

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This information is intended to inform our clients and other friends about legal developments, including recent decisions of various municipalities, legislative, and administrative bodies. Because of the rapidly changing landscape related to COVID-19, we intend to send out regular updates. The information we provide is not intended as legal advice and viewers/readers should not rely on information contained in these materials to make business or legal decisions. Before making any legal decisions, consult your lawyer. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you need assistance responding to the many issues which have arisen, and will continue to arise, out of this situation.




Melissa C. Pallett-Vasquez
Head of Commercial Trial Practice
Mildred Gomez
Jose Sariego
Jeffrey I. Snyder
General Counsel, Head of Bankruptcy, CMBS Litigation and Workouts
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