Data Privacy & Security
As the electronic storage and transmission of personal data becomes more widespread across all industries, the legal exposure for handling personal data has grown markedly. In the past decade, data breach-related class action lawsuits have greatly increased against companies across widely varying sectors of the economy, with claims totaling hundreds of billions of dollars. Bilzin Sumberg attorneys have extensive experience in assisting a diverse array of clients to navigate the legal complexity of data privacy and security. The firm's attorneys have advised companies on the creation of data policy provisions that comply with data privacy laws, the selection and implementation of proper data security measures, the investigation of data breaches, and the ensuing responses to affected parties, law enforcement and authorities in multiple jurisdictions. This experience has involved large, national firms, including Fortune 500 companies, and has dealt with highly complex and sensitive data breach and security issues.
Obtained dismissal in federal court of insurance carrier’s counts for negligent misrepresentation and unfair and deceptive trade practices against a U.S. software company, the carrier’s insured,in action arising out of a data breach involving the software company.
Representation of a national investment and asset management firm in connection with review and negotiation of third-party software licensing and related agreements including negotiation of privacy rights, data protection, and ownership of data on behalf of client.
Oversaw investigation with retained forensic experts and the response to data breach involving the sensitive personal information of employees of a national food distributor, which included notification of affected employees and the authorities in multiple jurisdictions in which those employees resi...
Assisted a Fortune 500 company with retail outlets all over the United States in investigating and responding to a data breach involving the company's point-of-sale retail and e-mail network, which included liaising with the company's cybersecurity insurance carrier to retain forensic investigator, ...
Regularly counseled a property management company with offices in multiple states on data security measures, and facilitated company's response to multiple data breaches.Services also included notifying affected individuals, law enforcement and authorities in each jurisdiction affected by each breac...
Bilzin Sumberg is pleased to announce Kelly Ruane Melchiondo, Construction Law and Litigation Partner, has been honored as one of Connect CRE’s 2024 Lawyers in Real Estate for the Florida region.
In a recent federal case from New York, the court dealt a blow to plaintiffs suing over data breaches. The plaintiffs had filed a putative class action suit, alleging that they (and others like them) had been harmed by the alleged exposure of their personal and financial information due to a March 2...
Philip R. Stein speaks on the panel Don’t Be a Dinosaur! Staying Current on Corporate Governance Developmentsat the ACC South Florida 14th Annual CLE Conference. The session focuses on the significant developments in Florida and Delaware corporate governance law, focusing on the most salient n...
On March 18, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) entered into settlements with two companies, which agreed to pay significant civil penalties for “AI Washing.” AI Washing entails making false statements regarding the use of artificial intelligence technology. The enforceme...
On February 22, 2024, the FTC fined Avast Limited, a United Kingdom-based company, $16.5 million for a data collection and sale scheme in which Avast and its subsidiaries were engaged from 2014 through 2020.
Over the past decade, companies have increasingly turned to the collection of consumer personal data to help them better understand and adapt to the habits, preferences, and needs of consumers, engage in targeted marketing, and gain insight into the broader marketplace—that is, to better compe...
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