Bilzin Sumberg Cares
Now in its seventeenth year, Bilzin Sumberg Cares is the centerpiece of the firm's philanthropic activity. Since the firm's inception, attorneys and the rest of its team members have been strongly encouraged to strive for community involvement. Bilzin Sumberg Cares continues with the firm's legacy of community service by ensuring that attorneys and staff alike are able to participate in charitable projects, promoting a sense of social responsibility and a "pay it forward" mentality.
The program has spanned numerous types of worthwhile initiatives, from cancer walks and toy drives to children's reading programs and pro bono legal clinics.
Each year, the Bilzin Sumberg Cares program culminates with its Bilzin Sumberg Cares Day, when all the firm's employees participate in a day of philanthropic service for a local organization. Recent activities to help such organizations have included painting buildings and classrooms, planting gardens, and assembling furniture and computer equipment.
Bilzin Sumberg Cares is proudly led by Chair Lori Lustrin, Trial & Litigation Partner, and Deputy Chair John Trach, Corporate Associate.

- John Sumberg, Chairman